Draug's Resurrection 1.2.1

This version adds three major features, collectively filed under Passives on the main pause screen. Enhancements let you improve the stats of specific skills and spells to be faster, more accurate, cost less, and so on. Abilities are more conditional, well, abilities, such as doing more damage to a surrounded enemy, changing Buff range to hit all allies, or making archers stronger when on the front lines. Both get more points to spend as you gain level ups from using various weapon types. The third, Unities, shows rapport between party members, and using them together lets them build a small but permanent resistance to each other's element type.

While Enhancements and Unities are done, Abilities aren't entirely; about 70% are complete (or about 160 of them), which should be ample to choose from for any character or situation.

Terrain Effects are now stored on the tile themselves, rather than the caster, making them more useful all around. 25 new Spells/Skills have been added, heavily focused on Terrain Effects and Movement Skills, to better utilize these changes.


Draug 1.2.1.zip 337 MB
Feb 18, 2024

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