Draug's Resurrection 0.9.0

Version 0.9.0 is a huge step in two regards. Its release coincides with the project's 10th anniversary, and far more prominently, it effectively marks the game as a complete project. It remains below 1.0 as it still needs ample amounts of testing and minor refinements, but it under optimum circumstances, it is a fully completeable game that should easily last 20-30 hours, and its inherent nonlinear nature gives it extra replayability.

This time, I figured I'd simply give a link to RPGMaker.net, to save me uploading a couple hundred megs an additional time. Honestly, at RPGMaker I tend to do a lot better job detailing the interesting aspects of the project; I honestly can't see here as anything other than an extra husk of a site for backup purposes.


Draug 0.9.4
Mar 30, 2020

Get Draug's Resurrection

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